
ART 3992 Introduction to Digital Photography

This course introduces students who are already familiar with film-based, wet-lab photography to studio practice in a digital environment. The computer is introduced as a “digital darkroom” to perform darkroom-equivalent photographic operations. The course is divided into four primary areas of focus: color photography, use of the digital camera, computer software applications using Adobe Lightroom, and output through inkjet printing.

ART 4941 Special Topics in Photography: Art and History of the Photo Book

Special Topics in Photography presents the opportunity for advanced studio work in a predetermined area of specialization.

The Art and History of the Photo Book introduces the most influential photography books and guides students through the production of their own photo book, including generating their own artwork and utilizing on-demand publishing. Emphasis is placed on image selection, design, and sequencing as visual tools.


ART 4994 Large Format Photography

This course explores the fundamentals of working with a 4 x 5 inch view camera and large-format film. Students learn about various photographic genres, artists, and concepts related to the practice of large-format photography. Work in this course is produced both through analog and digital means, making traditional silver gelatin prints in the darkroom as well as learning to scan film in order to make large-format inkjet prints.

ART 4997 Alternative Photographic Processes

This course introduces students to alternative photographic processes with an emphasis on historical printing techniques such as Cyanotype, Van Dyke, Platinum Palladium, Anthotype, and wet-plate processes.

ART 4998 Senior Project Photography

Senior Project in Photography is the capstone course for those pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts track in photography. Students propose a project to be developed over the semester under the guidance of a major professor with regular critiques and feedback by peers. In addition to building a strong visual project, emphasis is placed on improving communication skills through writing and public speaking. The work culminates in an exhibition, a written thesis, and a public artist talk about the project.

ART 8000 Thesis Research: Photography

After passing to thesis and selecting a thesis topic, graduate students enroll in ART 8000 Thesis Research: Photography with the chair of the thesis committee. Students are expected to write an articulate proposal outlining creative, formal, and research goals for the thesis year. This work culminates in a written thesis and a professionally mounted solo exhibition.