3D Print Job Process
- Email your prints to coad-fablab@lsu.edu.
- Ensure that files are sent in .3mf format.
- Use the following file naming format: firstandlastname_materialcolor_classnumber: e.g.- johnsmith_blue_ARCH4031.
- Once the file is correctly submitted, we will verify if it is printable.
- If the file is not printable, we will send it and provide recommendations for fixes. Check the “resource” page for helpful information.
- When the file is water-tight, clean, contains only solid model bodies, and is correctly scaled, we will slice your model and provide a price quote.
- Printing will not proceed until the client agrees to the price.
- Once the price is agreed upon, we will print your job using the most suitable 3D printer.
- When the job is completed, we will notify you via email about pickup.
- Payment is required at the time of pickup, and you can use TigerCASH, provide a check to the front office, or use a grant code.
Print Costs
- FDM (Filament):
- PLA: $0.10 per gram
- Markforged PLA: $0.15 per gram
- SLA (Resin):
- Standard Resin: $0.20 per ml
- Elastic / Flexible Resin: $0.25 per ml
Printers Available
- Form 2 (2)
- Form 3 (2)
- Prusa (4)
- Ultimaker S5
- Raise3D Pro 2 Plus (2)
- Markforged Onyx Pro
- Wasp Clay 2040 Ceramic 3D printers (2)
- Potterbot 9 Ceramic 3D Printer
Model Checklist:
- Did you submit your file with the correct name format?
- Is it a valid Polysurface? (Type in “What” into the command bar in Rhino to check validity)
- Is it a closed Polysurface?
- Is the model scaled to the correct size?
- Does the scaled size fit within the build volume? (You can select your model and type in “Bounding Box to double-check the dimensions)
- Is your model at least 1/16″ thick?
- Ensure that the .3mf file contains ONLY what you want printed. Export selected geometry to a new Rhino file and save it as .3mf to ensure accuracy.