Design for Health and Wellbeing

ID 3777 Design for Health and Wellbeing introduces systems thinking as an approach to understanding how the physical interior environment impacts human health and wellbeing. Students examine the principles and practices of indoor environmental quality, including thermal comfort, acoustic control, and indoor air quality, and explore design theories and processes for improving the quality of life through design.
Interior Design Studio IV (Special Topics)
Interior Design Studio IV (special topics) is an advanced design studio with special emphasis on research, creative inquiry, process, human behavior, and design development of interior environments. This special topics offering designed by Associate Professors Cuddeback and Ritchie utilized problem-based learning as a positive instructional strategy to foreground the capstone project during the senior year. The students were presented with surprising projects to unravel design expectations and habits and establish an environment for renewing creative inquiry. The studio partnered with Peter Shire, the College of Art & Design 2013 Nadine Carter Russell Chair, as guest critic and studio companion. During the semester students had an opportunity to develop design thinking and methods of creative inquiry through a sequence of design propositions. Projects included transforming patterns found in nature as the inspiration for a pattern, active surface, and fictional construct for the human body. The studio culminated with the design and construction of a full-scale multi-sensory interior environment intended to enhance awareness of the commonplace, banal, and everyday experience.

Interior Design Studio IV
Interior Design Studio IV is an advanced design studio with special emphasis on research, creative inquiry, process, human behavior, and design development of interior environments. Students have an opportunity to conduct preliminary research and apply research findings to design solutions, develop creative and critical thinking skills, experiment with multiple modes of representation, explore complex interior design problems and propose innovative solutions, and consider the role and value of community service.

Principles of Sustainability
ID 4773 Principles of Sustainability explores the principles, theory, and application of sustainability to advance environmentally responsible interior environments through an introduction to natural systems, interior environmental quality, systems, ethics, and stewardship. Students examine how the dynamic relationships between the natural and constructed environment provide challenges and opportunities for designers as we move further into the 21st century. ID 4773 encourages students to develop a responsive design ethic and flexible methodology that can be applied and tested in course assignments, current and future studio investigations, and creative activities of all kinds. The course is designed to integrate disciplines from within the College of Art & Design by addressing interdependent contemporary issues and models an integrated(ive) design process for emerging professionals.