
Alumni Profile: Rick Zieve

Managing Principal SRG Partnership
Seattle, Washington, Portland and San Francisco

Provide an educational background including professional experience.

I received a Bachelor of Architecture from LSU in 1976 and went to work immediately at CRS in Houston until 1988. Then I was recruited by NBBJ, an 800-person fi rm with offi ces all over the world, so I moved to Seattle. In June 2003, three principals decided to leave that fi rm and open an offi ce in Seattle for the SRG Partnership, which had been in existence for 30 years in Portland. We’ve been on our own for more than four years now, concentrating on large, public and civic projects.

Why did you choose LSU for your education?

My family lived in New Orleans after I graduated from high school and I wanted to go to college close to where they were so it was more of a regional decision. Besides that, the School of Architecture had just gotten a new director, Bill McMinn, and he brought a lot of really good faculty with him so it was a very exciting place to be.

How did your LSU degree help to prepare you for your profession?

I think it was a very good, creative environment. There were lots of opportunities to explore and be creative. I’m more on the design end, that’s where my strengths lie, so LSU helped me develop my creative skills and that has helped me long term in the profession.

What current or past research and projects/exhibitions have you done?

Safeco Field in Seattle, where we designed a new building.
Renovated State Capital in Olympia, for which we won a national AIA award for design.
New Washington State Heritage Center, which will include a state library, state archives and historical museum.
Bellevue, Washington City Hall.
Seattle/Tacoma International Airport, major expansion.
Seattle Museum of Flight, expansion.

Please list any awards or special recognition that you have received.

National AIA, 2006
Fellow in AIA, 2003
Several local and regional awards.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to stay here in Seattle and pursue civic and public work and hopefully do great design. That’s our goal.