School of Interior Design


Interior Design Studio IV

This studio explores combining issues of health and wellness with design equity, inclusion and diversity. The acute need of our user groups this semester is health, wellness, stabilization and recovery. We address these issues…

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Interior Design Studio II

Spring 2020: Capitol City Pediatric Asthma Clinic   ID 2751 Interior Design Studio II is a second-year design studio emphasizing the design process, critical thinking, spatial organization and innovation for specific user-groups, color application, and the impact of interior spaces…

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Interdisciplinary Design Studio

Interdisciplinary Design Studio: During the fall semester of senior year interior design students have the opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary design studio with students and faculty from the School of Architecture, School of Landscape Architecture, and School of…

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Design for Health and Wellbeing

ID 3777 Design for Health and Wellbeing introduces systems thinking as an approach to understanding how the physical interior environment impacts human health and wellbeing. Students examine the principles and practices of indoor environmental quality, including…

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Interior Design Studio I

Interior Design Studio I is the first of six sequential interior design studio classes that form the foundation of the interior design curriculum. ID 2750 introduces students to the design process, elements of design…

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Interior Design Studio IV (Special Topics)

Interior Design Studio IV (special topics) is an advanced design studio with special emphasis on research, creative inquiry, process, human behavior, and design development of interior environments. This special topics offering designed by Associate…

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Interior Design Studio IV

Interior Design Studio IV is an advanced design studio with special emphasis on research, creative inquiry, process, human behavior, and design development of interior environments. Students have an opportunity to conduct preliminary research and…

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Interior Design Studio VI

Interior Design Studio VI is the culminating design studio (capstone project) with an emphasis on innovation and comprehensive solutions of complex problems in the interior environment. The capstone project demonstrates a student’s ability to…

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Principles of Sustainability

ID 4773 Principles of Sustainability explores the principles, theory, and application of sustainability to advance environmentally responsible interior environments through an introduction to natural systems, interior environmental quality, systems, ethics, and stewardship. Students examine…

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Contact Us

College of Art & Design
102 Julian T. White Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Telephone: 225-578-5400
Fax: 225-578-3877