
Architectural Design I

Emphasis on two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional forms; development of basic skills in architectural design drawing and modeling. Through heuristic hands-on design exercises, this studio focuses on the development of architectural space through the composition of tectonics and stereotomic assemblies. Reverberating between physical models, narrative statements, and drawing explorations, a context inspired design processes will stress: analysis, abstraction, and refinement through peer and self-critique.

Students implement, asses, and revise formal organizational strategies within 2D and 3D compositions. Students assess the impact that various 2D and 3D investigative methods have on intuitive and systems design thinking. Students will develop an appreciation for craftsmanship in handmade 2D and 3D methods of design exploration.

When given a complex form to analyze, students will be able to construct analytical models and drawings. When given site contour lines, students will be able to construct a 3D topographic model and 2D graphic representation and a defined scale. When given an architectural program and contextual information, students will be able to implement a design process circling between exploration, self-critique, and refinement; and entertain various design proposals by challenging the hierarchy of plans, sections, and models.

Foundation Design Studio II

Foundation Design Studio II builds directly on the work and lessons begun in the fall. Projects continue to be focused on disciplined observation, iterative process, and critical graphic and verbal interrogation of ideas. The subjects of composition and order move from two-dimensional considerations of shape, line, surface, and value, to three-dimensional investigations of form, space, light, motion/time, and color. Students are introduced to a range of modeling methods and materials, including textiles, paper, cardboard, wood, metal, and plaster casting.

Foundation Design Studio

In the Foundation Design Studio, first-year architecture and landscape architecture students are introduced to fundamental design principles, methods, visual judgment, and the creative process. Projects are intended to provide practice in ordering a design inquiry and structuring conceptual and visual arguments. The studio focuses on the development of a set of fundamental skills: manual (making); visual (seeing, looking, observing); and intellectual (comparing, contrasting, abstracting, and assessing). Students are introduced to a broad range of media and methods to help build confidence in their cognitive, conceptual, and technical skills. A significant component of the studio is dedicated to freehand drawing.