School of Art


ART 2342 / ART 4341 Papermaking

In papermaking, students explore the inherent properties of paper as both a medium and a support for creative expression. Students learn to use traditional materials for papermaking, such as cotton and linen, and are also encouraged to experiment with recycled materials, various plants found in the Louisiana landscape, and fibers from around the world.

In ART 2342 Introduction to Papermaking, students learn how to make paper by hand, using various two- and three-dimensional forming techniques. The course presents the history and process of papermaking as well as specific European and Japanese methods.

ART 4341 Advanced Papermaking builds on skills from ART 2342, introducing further concepts and methodologies in papermaking. Emphasis is placed on finding a personal voice and using paper as a vehicle for creative expression. Students are expected to develop skills in making paper and to use equipment such as the Hollander beaters and vacuum table. A required proposal outlines students’ directed work in, on, and of paper through a focused approach to their research and creative goals.