School of Art


ART 4541 Special Studies: Motion Design

This course is an introduction to methods and processes of creat­ing motion graphics for broadcast and cinema. Students explore the relationship between still- and time-based design elements—such as type, image, composition, pacing, rhythm, sequencing, and sound—to create graphic communications. Students explore the variable of mo­tion in a series of narrative graphic design projects that build in complex­ity over the course of the semester. They work in analog and digital formats, using valuable tools and software programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Ef­fects to create motion graphics that complement their individual aesthetic.


The Dance by Jeremy Grassman from Richard B. Doubleday on Vimeo.


Kelly Kral in Less Than A Minute by Darin Tran from Richard B. Doubleday on Vimeo.


Sweet Tooth by Christina Chang from Richard B. Doubleday on Vimeo.