School of Art


ART 4941 Special Topics in Photography: Artist as Researcher

Special Topics in Photography presents the opportunity for advanced studio work in a predetermined area of specialization.

Artist as Researcher asks students to uncover what motivates an art practice and to pay careful attention to moving that motivation from initial inspiration to meaningful and professional public display. Students are asked to think of themselves as researchers in order to engage in informed, extended projects over the course of the semester. Research may involve a specific social, historical, or cultural issue; it could involve mastering or emphasizing a particular material process;  it could be a documentary investigation. The topic or area of research is open and tailored to the students’ individual interests. Students are also exposed to research in the arena of professional development. Emphasis is placed on applying for post-BFA or post-MFA opportunities such as jobs, internships, graduate programs, fellowships, exhibitions, and publications as well as developing a personal website.