
LSU Graphic Designers Win ADDY Awards at District Level

Each year, the American Advertising Awards, also known as the ADDYs, the advertising industry’s largest competition, recognizes some of the best creative work in the country. The Baton Rouge American Advertising Federation annually recognizes “the creative spirit of excellence in the art of advertising” locally. In February 2020, the Baton Rouge American Advertising Federation awarded ADDYs to LSU School of Art students and faculty, including two at the district level:

Student Gold Award Winners

Product or Sales Promotion – Packaging
Hina Sake Bottles
Entrant: Aline Moreaux

Integrated Brand Identity Campaign
Salud App Brand Identity
Entrant: Lauren Leopold

Logo Design
Koala Tea Logo
Entrant: Lauren Nguyen

Silver Winners

District Level Winners:

Quad summer 2019 cover

Quad: LSU COAD Magazine Summer 2019
Entrant: LSU School of Art | GDSO (Graphic Design Student Office)
Credits: Sarah Alexander, Yerin Heo › Graphic Designers, Luisa Restrepo › Creative Director, Courtney Barr › Faculty Advisor, Kitty Pheney, Project Director; Elizabeth Mariotti, Writer/Editor

LSU College of Art & Design Lecture Series 2019-2020. Gaphic with blue, coral flowers, white.

LSU COAD Lecture Series Poster 2019-2020
Entrant: LSU School of Art | GDSO (Graphic Design Student Office)
Credits: Yerin Heo› Graphic Designer, Luisa Restrepo › Creative Director, Courtney Barr › Faculty Advisor, Kitty Pheney

Local Level Winners:

LSU COAD Annual Report 2018-2019
Entrant: LSU School of Art | GDSO (Graphic Design Student Office)
Credits: Dakota Banos› Graphic Designer, Luisa Restrepo › Creative Director, Courtney Barr › Faculty Advisor, Kitty Pheney, Project Director; Elizabeth Mariotti, Writer/Editor

Quad Magazine Feature: 20 Years of GDSO
Entrant: LSU School of Art | GDSO (Graphic Design Student Office)
Credits: Nhu Dao › Graphic Designers, Luisa Restrepo › Creative Director, Courtney Barr › Faculty Advisor, Kitty Pheney, Project Director; Elizabeth Mariotti, Writer/Editor

Integrated Brand Identity Campaigns

ACGBR Rebrand
Entrant: Sarah Alexander, Brynn Finney, Lindsey Henriques & Sidney Rosso, Designers

Entrant: Aline Moreaux, Designer

ACGBR Sub-Brands Campaign
Entrant: Sarah Alexander, Brynn Finney, Lindsey Henriques & Sidney Rosso, Designers


“The art students are all so deserving of the recognition by the American Advertising Awards, said Kitty Pheney, associate head of art operations & programs. “They all put a tremendous amount of work into all these projects.”

The most rewarding moment is seeing a completed project in use. “When students see their work – logos they designed used in the outside world, identities used in professional capacity, publications printed and distributed – they have a profound sense of accomplishment,” Pheney said. “They see that their assignments have a life beyond the classroom, exist in the real world. The first time a student has the experience of seeing something that [he/she] created come to life, it’s exhilarating.”