Robert Glass Lectures on the Hidden Landscape
Friday, February 15, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
307 Design Building
Robert Glass received his Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Clemson University in 2008 and his Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley in 2011. He received the Scott Travel Fellowship upon graduation from Berkeley, funding his research on the extraction, production, and distribution of electricity in North and South America. Glass currently practices with Hyphae Design Laboratory, an ecological design firm based in Oakland, California, that incorporates architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, and biological sciences. His projects have involved residential gray-water systems, residential and civic living walls, industrial systems design, ecological master planning, an artist residency, and community organizing.
As part of the 2012-13 College of Art & Design Lecture Series, Glass will speak about, “The Hidden Landscape.”