
Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation Annual Meeting

Associate Professor Kevin Risk will be presenting a paper that was co-written with Associate Professor Cat Marshall at the Alliance for Historic Preservation Annual Meeting. The paper is entitled “Ordering the Louisiana Landscape.” The research is “envisioned to broaden awareness of the range and dynamism of the state’s cultural landscapes. This study documents ways in which territory has been created, chartered, or marked in Louisiana and suggests a preliminary typology for categorization,” said Risk.

Gulf Stream Forces, Cathy Marshall and Kevin Risk

MLA 2013 candidate Audrey Cropp will also be presenting research work at the conference. Audrey’s presentation will highlight the research surrounding Fort Proctor that was lead by LSU Associate Professor of Architecture Ursula Emery McClure and RRSLA Director Bradley Cantrell. Audrey played a pivotal role in the development of a series of models and animations that serve as preservation surrogates for the Fort and the dynamic ecological systems it is situated within.

Fort Proctor Single Year Visualization, Audrey Cropp, Bradley Cantrell, Ursula Emery McClure, Michele Barbato