
Mark Boyer Named President of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

mark boyerLSU’s Mark Boyer has been named the incoming 2017–18 president of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), an international organization whose mission is to encourage, support, and further education in the field of landscape architecture specifically related to teaching, research, scholarship, and public service.

Boyer joined the faculty and administration at LSU as Robert Reich Professor and director of the Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture in 2015 after teaching for 17 years at the University of Arkansas, where he was inducted into the highly distinguished University of Arkansas Teaching Academy. He received his BS in landscape architecture with distinction from the University of Kentucky and his MLA from LSU.

In 2015, Boyer was inducted to the American Society of Landscape Architects Council of Fellows. He is the recipient of several merit and honor awards from the national and regional organizations of the ASLA, the American Institute of Architects, and others for the planning and design of an urban greenway in Warren, Arkansas, and as a project design team member of “Habitat Trails: From Infill House to Green Neighborhood Design.” He has received numerous grants for his research on landscape architecture design and construction technologies; sustainable design; green roofs and bio-retention; and sustainable and alternative stormwater management technologies.

Boyer’s service as president of CELA will begin in May at the close of the 2017 CELA Conference in Beijing and was preceded by a year-long term of office as president-elect. He will also co-present a paper at the conference on his experience into the value of bridging landscape architecture academic practice and applied county extension education. His presentation will explore the evolution and impacts on public and professional constituencies from the long-term working relationship between Boyer, as a landscape architect and academic, and an agricultural extension educator.

Visit for more information about the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture and for more information about the LSU Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture.