Two ingredients make a great school: outstanding students and exceptional faculty.
The College of Art & Design seeks to provide endowed professorships and chairs to reward outstanding faculty and to augment our faculty ranks with national and international artists, designers, and scholars.
Gifts may be made to individual academic units including the schools of architecture, art, and landscape architecture, the interior design department, or to the College of Art & Design in general.
Endowed Chair
An endowed chair is one of the most prestigious endowments at any college or campus. Income from an endowed chair can supplement the chair holder’s salary as well as provide additional income for special purposes, including scholarly research and travel and the hiring of graduate assistants to assist the professor in research projects or essential equipment. State matching via the Board of Regents is available.
Endowed Distinguished Professorship
An endowed distinguished professorship provides the resources to reward a renowned professor for past academic achievement and enables the professor to pursue research or innovative teaching methods. State matching is available.
Endowed Faculty Award
An endowed faculty award may be used for the recognition of a faculty member’s outstanding performance within the School of Architecture, the School of Art, the School of Interior Design, and the Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture. This award can be given under various contexts and is up to the discretion of the donor. A gift of $20,000 or more will establish an endowed faculty award.
The College of Art & Design Endowed Professorships + Chairs
Nadine Carter Russell Chair
In 1998, Paula G. Manship bestowed a fund for the LSU College of Art & Design to establish the Nadine Carter Russell Chair, named for her niece. Nadine Carter Russell is a 1967 graduate of the College of Art & Design with a degree in art history.
The Nadine Carter Russell Chair enables the LSU College of Art & Design to annually bring a prominent artist, designer, or scholar to campus. The rotating chair provides outstanding opportunities for all disciplines within the college and allows the college to meet a variety of curriculum needs. The duties of the chair primarily focus on teaching and public lectures but vary depending on the recipient’s field of expertise.
The School of Architecture
A. Hays Town Professorship in Architecture
These funds are used for salary supplements and other support of the academic activities of the professorship position including instruction and research, equipment, materials, and faculty improvement.
Emogene Pliner Professorship in Architecture
These funds are used for salary supplements and other support of the academic activities of the professorship position including instruction and research, equipment, materials, and faculty improvement.
The School of Art
Dixon Smith Professorship Fund
This professorship fund is used for scholastic purposes by supplementing the stipend of graduate students who contribute to the creative activity/research endeavors of the School of Art.
Emogene Pliner Professorship in Art
These funds are used for salary supplements and other support of the academic activities of the professorship position including instruction and research, equipment, materials, and faculty improvement.
The School of Interior Design
Ruth Z. McCoy Professorship of Interior Design
This professorship provides support for research, teaching, and academic activities to a distinguished faculty member within the School of Interior Design.
The Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture
Marie M. Bickham Chair in Landscape Architecture
The Marie M. Bickham Chair was established in 2001 by Marie Bickham (1936–2012), whose generous endowment has benefitted the LSU College of Art & Design Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture by funding salary supplements and supporting other academic activities of the professorship including instruction in research, equipment, materials, and faculty improvement.
Jon Emerson/Wayne Womack Design Professorship in Landscape Architecture
These funds are used as a salary supplement and support other academic activities of the professorship to promote creative design in landscape architecture.
Reich Teaching Professorship
This fund is used for salary supplements and other support including instruction and research, equipment, materials, and faculty improvement in the Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture.
Suzanne L. Turner Professorship in Landscape Architecture
This professorship provides support for research, teaching, and academic activities to a distinguished faculty member within landscape architecture.